Monday, 24 January 2011

News Paper article LO4

This has been designed to go into a magazine or newspaper.

This is the text for it:
Year 10 pupils on the Creative and Media Diploma at Wymondham High have been getting out and about to help local Charity Shops get better quality donations.
The Diploma is a GCSE course that after two years should add up to the equivalent of seven and a half GCSE’s. It’s made up of different units which take a term each to complete.
The work with Charity shops is part of the Campaign Unit.  They started off by studying the TV program “Mary Queen of Charity shops”. And looking into different campaigns such as Dove, Road safety, and many more.
They then spilt into groups and chose there charities among the selection were: RSPCA, E.A.C.H. , and  Red cross. They were given the phone numbers and left to short out an introduction to who they are, what they were doing, and a time to arrange an meeting at the shop.
 Miss Haythope on of the teachers who runs Diploma says “We teach them independence so that they are able to fit in the workplace. A lot of boss’s have said that the workers that they higher straight out of university with loads of A* grade qualifications can’t handle a simple task like answer a phone so we try and teach the students the techniques that they will need in work as well as everyday life.”
The campaign unfortunately didn’t work because they got only one donation however they did produce a poster, leaflet and flier for their chosen Charity shop. Some groups also done TV adverts where as the others performed a TIE (theatre in education) at local Primary School Browick road, and everyone pitched in to do an hour workshop about charity and donating.
Laura Frosdick a student who is taking the Creative and Media says
“I’ve really enjoyed taking diploma so far because although it’s hard work you meet great people from different schools and have a lot of fun. Diploma is something different because it has now given me more confidence to go out into the world of work and talk to people which is something other subjects wouldn’t be able to teach you. It’s a shame that our campaigns didn’t work out as we hoped but at least we have learnt from our mistakes and can take some of the things that we’ve learnt into the next Unit.”

Pictures For a political campagin #5

Televised Detabate

Cameron's campaign poster

One against Gordan Brown

Story Board

This is the story board that I made but I had drawn on it orgianlly for pictures but now I've inserted the pictures from the internet:

Politcal Campaign LO1 #5

Political Campaign:
What is it?
It’s a race between either candidates, or parties who wish to be elected to change the laws or policies of a country.
Why do we have them?
So that the candidates can share their ideas with the public so that they can get into office/ or elected.
How do they let people know about them?
Many will have posters, also leaflets that are posted through peoples doors. If it’s for a serious position e.g. this year for Prime Minster between Nick Clegg, David Cameron, and Gordon Brown, they will have interviews (radio, TV or newspaper) to discuss their ideas to get the public to vote for them. This year as well was the first time that a debate between leaders of the main political parties has been shown on  live TV. Additionally they will go out into different areas and communities to discuss different problems or policies etc.  In the USA presidential race Barack Obama  used the internet to reach younger voters.

An example of a political campaign:
The one that I’m going to use is Obama’s because it’s very interesting and he is one of the most powerful leaders in the world.
His campaign strategy:
In politics the politicians always come up with a strategy that they’ll use to give them the best chance of winning.
This was an article recorded in the New Yorker  in 2008 when Obama was first elected:
ast June, Joel Benenson, who was Barack Obama’s top pollster during his Presidential run, reported on the state of the campaign. His conclusions, summed up in a sixty-slide PowerPoint presentation, were revealed to a small group, including David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist, and several media consultants, and, as it turned out, some of this research helped guide the campaign through the general election. The primaries were over, Hillary Clinton had conceded, and Obama had begun planning for a race against Senator John McCain.
There was good news and bad in Benenson’s presentation. Obama led John McCain, forty-nine per cent to forty-four per cent, among the voters most likely to go to the polls in November, but there was also a large group of what Benenson called “up-for-grabs” voters, or U.F.G.s, who favored McCain, forty-eight per cent to thirty-six per cent. The U.F.G.s were the key to the outcome; if the election had been held then, Obama would have probably lost.
Benenson, who is fifty-six, is bearded and volatile. He speaks with a New York accent, and in the movie version of the Obama campaign he might be played by Richard Lewis. He is considered the star pollster in the Democratic Party. Like several of Obama’s other top advisers—David Axelrod; Rahm Emanuel, the Illinois congressman who is his new chief of staff; Bill Burton, the campaign’s national press secretary—Benenson was deeply involved in helping Democrats win in the 2006 midterm elections, an experience that put the Obama team more in touch with the mood of the electorate going into 2008. (The top strategists for Clinton and McCain had not been involved in difficult races in 2006.)
The data from Benenson’s June presentation contained some reasons to be optimistic. The conventional wisdom was that Obama, as the newest of the candidates, had an image that was malleable and thus highly vulnerable to negative attacks. But that was not what the polling showed. As the presentation explained, “Obama’s image is considerably better defined than McCain’s, even on attributes at the core of McCain’s reputation,” such as “stands up to lobbyists and special interests,” “puts partisan politics aside to get things done,” and “tells people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.”
For Obama aides, who viewed McCain as the one Republican with the potential to steal the anti-Washington bona fides of their candidate, Benenson’s polling was revelatory. “Voters actually did not know as much as I think the press corps thought they did about John McCain,” Anita Dunn, a senior adviser to Obama, told me. “What they’d heard about McCain most recently, and certainly during the primary process, was that he was like every other Republican—fighting to sound more like George Bush.” Benenson said, “What we knew at the start of the campaign was that the notion of John McCain as a change agent and independent voice didn’t exist anywhere outside the Beltway.”
Another finding from this initial poll had clear strategic implications: the economy concerned the U.F.G.s more than any other issue, and on that question neither candidate showed particular strength. In addition, the U.F.G.s were fed up with Washington and, especially, with George W. Bush. Based on those insights, Benenson came up with some recommendations, among them “Own the economy” and “Maintain an emphasis on changing Washington.”
As a practical matter, this meant that, after the Democratic National Convention, in Denver, the campaign would do all that it could to focus attention on economic matters. It had no idea, of course, how fully both the economy and John McCain would coöperate with that goal.
There was an almost obsessive singularity in the way that Obama and his chief strategists—Axelrod and David Plouffe, the campaign’s manager—saw the contest. In their tactical view, all that was wrong with the United States could be summarized in one word: Bush. The clear alternative, then, was not so much a Democrat or a liberal as it was anyone who could credibly define himself as “not Bush.” Axelrod had a phrase that he often used to describe this approach: America was looking for “the remedy, not the replica.” The appeal of the strategy was that, with only minor alterations, it could work in the primaries as well as in the general election, and that, in turn, allowed Obama to finesse the perpetual problem of Presidential politics: having one message to win over a party’s most ardent supporters and another when trying to capture independents and U.F.G.s—the voters who decide a general election. Experience? That was George W. Bush. Hillary Clinton? She could be portrayed as polarizing and as a Washington insider—just like Bush. When Obama gave economic speeches during the primaries and caucuses—which continued over five months, in fifty-five states and territories—he lumped together the Clinton and Bush years as one long period of decline. And John McCain? Four more years of Bush, of “the same.”
“We were fortunate,” Anita Dunn said. Both Clinton and McCain were “Washington insiders, people who for different reasons you could argue weren’t going to bring change.”
The incessant repetition of Obama’s change message had its drawbacks, though, and Benenson described to me the ongoing debate inside and outside the campaign about whether the candidate should move away from that theme—for instance, during the summer and fall of 2007, when Obama’s poll numbers in Iowa were stagnant. “We had people in Iowa in the summer of ’07 saying, ‘All we’re getting asked about is experience! We’ve got to have an answer on experience!’ ” Benenson recalled.

To me this sounds very complicated but then again I’m only young and don’t really understand the politics  but Obama’s campaign was extremely successful and he’s had nearly 2 years in office and has managed to win the Nobel Peace prize and tried to introduce a free health system into America that is similar to the NHS here.  I think that he is a good leader and had good people helping him on his campaign.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Children in Need BBC LO1and LO3 #4

It is a national appeal that raises money for children who might have no home, no family, a deadly illness or anything really that can affect the welfare of a child. It is a television aired on the BBC every year; it features a verity of celebrities of all sorts. It was started in the 1980-‘s and has since raised more than £500 million for children’s charities throughout the UK.
Prior to BBC Telethons:
In 1927 the BBC launched a five minute radio broadcast on Christmas day. People donated around £1500 which today is about £27,500, this was spilt up and given to four children’s charities.
The first TV appearance was in 1955 and lasted an hour on Christmas day. The appeals continued on Christmas day until 1979. In this time £625,836 was made. Terry Wogan appeared on the appeals in 1978 and 1979.
In 1980 the BBC held the first telethon; a whole evening about donating money to children’s charities across the uk. The first year it raised 1 million pound and was presented by Terry Wogan , Sue Lawley and Esther Rantzen.
Every year since the telethon is repeated with Terry Wogan presenting it every year. Many TV shows help out and encourage  people to donate by doing sketches for children in need. Additionally many musical acts perform on it along with mini documentary’s about who and what your money goes towards.
Pudsey Bear:
The logo for the appeal is a bear known as Pudsey with a bandage across one eye.
In November Children in need sells a range of products to help make money for the appeal. Such as T-shirts; cakes; toys etc.
Who does the money go to?
The money goes to a range of different children’s charities and projects around the UK. It is not design just for one charity which makes it more successful by the fact that you will be helping a range of different children with different problems.
Why is it so successful?
I think that it is successful because of a number of reasons;
·         First of all the fact that it is children who you will be helping out is probably a major contributor.
·         Also the things that you can do to help out like dressing up and sponsored activities many people find it quite fun to do.  
·         The advertising of it, posters, TV ads, radio ads, internet ads, also help.
·         Celebrity support.
There are many reasons why this campaign is very successful it would be a struggle to name them all. I think that this is a great example of a campaign as it has all the key ingredients that you need to make a successful campaign in it. Also if it wasn’t successful then it wouldn’t still be happening after 30years + and still be able to make a difference to so many children’s lives.
News readers dancing to ABBA

For Beth and Charlotte. The cast of Merlin children in need.

Peter Kays all star- a collection of all the cartoon characters together singing and dancing it took well over a year to make.

Eastenders(not the game the real thing) singing and dancing like every year.

Tess Daily, Alesha Dixon and Terry Wogan with Pudsy.

The new logo for children in need.

The old logo.

A t-shirt that is sold bearing (not joke intened) the Pudsey logo.

Cute cuddley toy!


Nitendo Wii stickers.

Considering a budget LO2

Although in this campaign we didn't have to worry about a budget in the campaigns / projects that I've been invovled with budget is an important part of it. You only have so much money for posters, ads, and venue.

I think that I would have been intersting to have a budget because it would teach us about being mindful of money.

Helath and Safety at Browick Road LO2

While we were at Browick Road we would be working with younger children so we needed to be  aware of how to be sfae in the classroom.

We didin't have to worry about it to much because the teacher was present throughout the workshop so we where never alone with the children incase there was an acciedent or something.

Another thing was we had to be careful of photos because some parents hadn't given permision for their childs face to be shown so in the photos it shouldn't show any childs face.

We had to be careful walking down to Browick road because although it's only a short trip someone could have been run over or have been injured in some other way (possibley they could have slipped in the ice as it was icey when we went down.)
Just some examples of Health and safety signs.