Sunday 28 November 2010

Barnardo’s children’s charity. 5.1 #3

Barnardo's is a children’s charity that runs 415 projects across the UK and works directly with over 100,000 families providing services for children in poverty, young carers or children who have been sexually exploited.

It started was by Thomas Barnardo, he came up with the idea when he came to London and saw 4 young children sleeping rough on the street. In 1867 he started up a Ragged school that started to help young, venerable, and neglected children of East London. His work still continues today. He died in 1905 by which time he had started a charity that now had 96 homes and cared for 8500 children. Today this figure is well over 100,000 children and families a year.

They launched what some would describe as disturbing posters. This one is one of many that show babies and toddlers with alcohol, or injecting drugs. These are to demonstrate what their adult life will be like if people don’t give money to the charity to help millions of children around the UK. These photos are powerful and emotive. It’s also powerful because you don’t see children in these situations other charity’s like NSPCC don’t use images that are this powerful and that demonstrate the point in this way.
This again is an extremely powerful image. It shows the effect that child abuse could have in a very negative way it. It also uses children to really imply what is going on here.

This is the most disturbing as if you see baby photos they are normally cute and cuddly in this one you see the harsh truth that is the amount of children born in to poverty.

In conclusion many of these posters are shocking but at the end of the day they are to make a point and persuade people to donate to charity and after looking at these photos I certainly would. 

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